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Image by Vadym Lebedych


Campfire Conversations is a three hour event that will help you strengthen your knowledge of the history of settler colonialism and gain understanding of the impacts of racism and stereotypes. These events are open to the general public.


Our goal is to not only enhance your awareness of cultural safety, but to also help you begin to see how it relates to your day-to-day life. 





Tipi Camp

Our 3-day Tipi Camp is an experience for those who are interested in learning more about the effects of settler colonialism. This experience is designed to be the starting point in building trust, connectivity, and doing introspective work. Participants will gain valuable knowledge and build relationships during several hours of elder teaching, a pipe ceremony, blanket exercise, drumming, dancing and a historical nature walk. 


Our goal is to provide an experience for those wanting to move from a bystander to ally—whether that ally is in their own life or they're looking to become more active in their community and workplace.

Image by Maher El Aridi
Native Drums

Professional Development

These events are designed for organizations who want to understand the historical context of Canada’s colonial history, and gain tools to build cultural safety in their workplace.


You will have an opportunity to build your own experience based on the topics that are most relevant to your work. You can choose from topics in healthcare, education, child welfare, justice and cultural safety in the workplace. The events will focus on understanding how settler colonialism has impacted these areas and what that means for current practices.


You will leave the event with an enhanced understanding of how racism, discrimination and stereotypes operate within systems of power and what tools you can use to create change in your workplace.

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